Products / Services
Complete chain of readout electronics
ASIC based front-end, FPGA processing, scalable DAQ-System
Generates neutron data from readout signals.
Process readout for analysis and display.
Manage whole detector systems.
Infrastructure and media for detector operation.
10-Boron Coatings
Custom made milling parts
Application guide
- Thermal and cold neutrons with high count rate, high contrast and 2D position sensitve on 200mm x 200mm → CASCADE 2D-200
- Jalousie: Thermal and cold neutrons on large areas with highest most detection efficiency. The Boron based alternative to 3-He position sensitive tubes (PSD). → Jalousie
- MIEZE: a unique detector system for high resolution detection of rapidly modulated neutron intensities → CASCADE-M 2D-200
- Ultra cold and very cold neutrons (UCN and VCN): very high count rate, very high contrast and 2D position sensitive on up to 200mm x 200mm → CASCADE-U
- Neutron Beam Monitoring: Counting type beam monitors for thermal and cold neutrons with spatial resolution, high dynamic range ionization chamber based neutron beam monitors with 10 µs time resolution → Beam Monitoring